August 2024
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Hydraulic works and monitoring: retention basins increase the safety of the urban area of Pescara
August 2024
The Abruzzo Region is committed to the construction of the most ambitious hydraulic defence project ever carried out: 5 retention tanks on the Pescara River, capable of holding 5 million cubic metres of water. CAE will provide the RTI that is building the systems for monitoring, remote control of gates, surveys, discharge measurements and much more...
CNR and CAE together against fires in the Arctic
August 2024
The fires in the Arctic, in June 2024, according to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), emitted more than 7.8 million tons of CO2. In the past these fires, originated by lightning, were without particular consequences, but climate change provides ideal conditions for their spread with catastrophic effects. Local communities need to be supported to be better informed and prepared for these events and better able to manage them. As part of the Arctic PASSION project, two Italian excellence institutions in research and industry, CNR and CAE, are committed to building a service that can contribute to fulfil these needs.
Valle d'Aosta: the maintenance service for the weather-hydrographic network was renewed
August 2024
CAE has been awarded the open procedure for the assignment of the maintenance service of the weather-hydrographic telemetry network of the Valle d 'Aosta functional centre, consisting of about 100 installations, of which 28 are stations installed above 2000 m of altitude. It is an open and heterogeneous network, equipped with cutting-edge technologies...