• News

January 2017

Direct access to the automatic station via Internet browser: easiness of use and openness for every operator

January 2017

Only Linux stands between the sensor and the operator that manages the automatic station from his office, his computer or his mobile device.

Traveling to Buenos Aires

January 2017

35 rain gauges manufactured by CAE are currently on the way to Buenos Aires. These sensors will be implemented into the new hydro-meteorological monitoring network for flood early warning and drought monitoring.

ULM30: CAEtech's new ultrasonic level sensor

January 2017

ULM30 is an ultrasonic level sensor, equipped with its own electronics, with microprocessor and storage memory, available in snow gauge version and in hydrometer version. It has the duty and the honor of being one of the first CAEtech products.

Abruzzo: monitoring at high altitude

January 2017

At the end of October 2016, a high-altitude meteorological station was installed at the top of Tavola Rotonda, with a summit reaching 2,403 metres and which, during this period of intense cold, recorded temperatures that plunged to -20.9°C.