February 2023
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CAE in Argentina
February 2023
The Instituto di Hidrologia de Llanura IHLLA, Azul, province of Buenos Aires, has invested in the technological upgrade of its hydro-meteorological monitoring network, created in 2007 to promptly report the risk of flooding in the city and to provide useful information to the agricultural sector. Thanks to the new CAEtech Compact dataloggers…
The Citizens’ Observatory arrives at the Tagliamento
February 2023
After the construction on the Brenta-Bacchiglione, the Eastern Alps Hydrographic District implements the ambitious project also on the river basin of the Tagliamento River. Automatic stations, flow measurements, hydrological models and citizen participation are at the heart of this important project…
Flow measurement: the experience of CAE
February 2023
The company is equipped with specific equipment for carrying out topographic surveys and flow measurements that make it possible to build run-off scales and calibrate hydraulic models. From 2019 to date, 583 interventions have been ordered for 11 work orders that demonstrate the ability to intervene successfully and effectively in different contexts, from the imposing Po River, to the fast torrential waterways. Simone Colonnelli geologist and project manager of CAE states...