• Valle d'Aosta: the maintenance service for the weather-hydrographic network was renewed
    Valle d'Aosta: the maintenance service for the weather-hydrographic network was renewed

Valle d'Aosta: the maintenance service for the weather-hydrographic network was renewed

August 2024
Valle d'Aosta: the maintenance service for the weather-hydrographic network was renewed

The hydro-meteorological network of the Valle d 'Aosta Autonomous Region was completely renewed in 2018/2019 with open and latest generation technologies; to make the 4 pre-existing networks homogeneous, all the components of the system can be replaced with interchangeable components from different manufacturers, which implement the same standard protocols and dialogue methods.

In 2024, CAE won the tender for the maintenance of the network which counts with about 100 installations, of which 28 are stations installed above 2000 m of altitude. To work in these sites, also difficult to be reached, requires highly qualified personnel and specific work techniques to ensure the correct maintenance of the instrumentation. Extreme conditions and very low temperatures, reaching down to -35°C, require sturdy and high-quality materials.

In addition to corrective maintenance, which includes, even in extreme situations, the timely intervention of CAE technicians, preventive maintenance activities are planned on all the components of the system: stations, repeaters and control centre, in order to minimise the risk of breakage or malfunction of the entire system and to keep the equipment and infrastructure in suitable conditions.

The service includes continuous monitoring of the network operation, data production and data quality, remote assistance, issuing of specific documentation and 24-hour availability, in order to maximize the reliability of the system and the availability of data in the central office.

In addition to maintenance, some stations and technologies will be updated, to keep the network open and increasingly at cutting-edge status. Last but not least, where necessary, to make the hydrometric measurement process rigorous from a topographical point of view, a service for the determination of the hydrometric zero and the execution of surveys is provided to characterize the hydrometric section and to make possible the discharge  measurement in the sites of interest.

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