Monitoring intense precipitations allows collecting all information pertaining to the current precipitation event and sending them to the reference centrals with extreme accuracy even under particularly adverse conditions. Monitoring systems allow measuring the quantity and intensity of rain as well as the quality classifications of meteors, fundamental data to support the authorities in the event of an emergency as well as for many other processes useful for the transport, agriculture and other sectors.These data play a central role within multiple risk contexts, since they are fundamental variants that significantly impact the hydrogeological and water risk, as a causative element.
main measurements
- Rain intensity and accumulation
- Atmospheric pressure
- Air temperature and humidity
Case history
The network is used for the real-time monitoring of an area subject to sudden and disrupting floods, allowing timely and accurate alerts to population. continueCENTRAL VIETNAM
The Central Provinces of Vietnam, dislocated North and South of the coastal city of Da Nang, are periodically hit by heavy rains that, given the orography of the area, causing flash floods continueSOUTH VIETNAM
The monitoring network system created in the Southern Vietnam was financed by the World Bank to enforce and implement a system that could prevent flooding of the Mekong Delta. continueCIVIL DEFENSE OF BASILICATA
The Infrastructure, Public Works and Mobility department of the Basilicata region has invested in the Enhancement and maintenance of the water and rain... continueARPAS SARDINIA
Sardinian Environmental Protection Agency launched a project to establish the “Regional Climatological Network - 1 st intervention” in order to monitor climate changes continueMALDIVES METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE (MMS)
The Maldives are highly vulnerable to natural disasters, especially during the South-West monsoon season, because of their geoclimatic conditions continueAOSTA VALLEY REGION
Adapting the entire meteo-hydrographic network to the most modern data acquisition and transmission technologies... continueSOUTH-CENTRAL VIETNAM
Floods in Vietnam represent a constant threat that occur throughout the year in different areas of the Country, affect the safety and well-being of the population... continueSICILY REGION
CAE for the Decentralized Functional Centre-Idro of the Sicily Region: the realization of a integrated, redundant and flexible meteorological detection system continueANAS S.P.A.
In Sardinia, CAE has implemented a monitoring and warning system focus on the hydraulic and hydrogeological risk, useful for automatically inhibiting the traffic... continueCITY OF BELGRADE
Belgrade is the largest urban settlement in the Republic of Serbia, as well as its administrative and commercial centre. In May 2014, the city suffered substantial damage... continueCITY OF UŽICE, SERBIA
CAE and its partner implemented the Early Warning System for the City of Užice, consisting of different types of stations and specialized software in response to the probability of flood occurrence in Užice. continueMUNICIPALITY OF BATTIPAGLIA
On behalf of GBL Costruzioni SUD srl, CAE installed a monitoring and early warning system for a new railway underpass in the Municipality of Battipaglia, which will be useful for inhibiting circulation if flooding. continueKYRGYZ REPUBLIC
As part of the project Central Asian Hydro-Meteorological Modernization Project, CAE implemented the hydrological monitoring networks, glaciers, roads and large cities equipped with automatic weather stations continueTransmission System
- Radio Transmission
- Satellite Transmission
- WSN - W-Master & W-Point
- RÆVO – IP Radio modem
- ACTI-Link
Other Sensors
- Present weather sensor