High mountains are extreme environments which require ad hoc monitoring systems capable of facing particular weather conditions which change rapidly in these environments. Particularly important is monitoring the various factors affecting snow cover, not only due to the impact that melting snow has on downstream river floods but also to assess the risk of avalanches. These systems can withstand extremely rigid temperatures and are fitted with very tough hardware. They are also designed to ensure that the technological components can be serviced even with high snow cover. Often special off-road vehicles or helicopters must be used for this type of work, and our company does so habitually.
main measurements
- Wind speed and direction
- Measured precipitations
- Atmospheric pressure
- Direct and reflected radiation
- Temperature of the snow on the ground
- Air temperature and humidity
Case history

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first climb on K2, CAE, as technological sponsor, supported the EvK2CNR association by providing a weather station to be installed on the last base camp continue
Within the framework of the Lake Sarez Risk Mitigation Project (LSRMP), CAE and its local partner supplied and installed the new monitoring and Early Warning Systems (EWS) for Sarez Lake, Tajikistan. continue
As part of the project Central Asian Hydro-Meteorological Modernization Project, CAE implemented the hydrological monitoring networks, glaciers, roads and large cities equipped with automatic weather stations continue

Transmission System
- Radio Transmission
- Satellite Transmission
- WSN - W-Master & W-Point
- RÆVO – IP Radio modem
- ACTI-Link

Other Sensors
- Albedometer AB20/K
- Anemometer AS202D
- Anemometer VV20 and DV20
- Finapp probe: soil moisture and SWE
- Snow temperature sensor TN20
- Thermo-Hygrometer TU20
- THS Thermo-Hygrometer
