CAE commitment to business continuity at the time of COViD-19 emergency
March 2020
The global community is facing a hard challenge for the upcoming weeks, fighting against the COViD-19 virus.
As all of you know, CAE S.p.A. headquarters and main production facilities are located in Italy, one of the Countries the virus currently hit the hardest. Even though as of today there are no cases of traced contagion by COViD-19 among the Company staff, we are all living in a complicated period and we feel like a public notice can better explain what is going on here.
As we employ over 105 people and we serve hundreds of clients in several Countries, we are aware of our social responsibilities and our primary focus is on the safety of our customers, partners and employees. For this reason CAE started to implement all the prescriptions of the Italian Government since the very beginning of the infection, anticipating its enforcement in most of the cases. Here we list some of the most important safety protocols we implemented:
- cancelling all the physical meetings with external personnel;
- rescheduling travels and field activities to make the work suitable for only one staff;
- increasing the distance of working desks;
- introducing shifts at the canteen facility;
- using special products for daily office disinfection.
Also, as part of our efforts, we encouraged many of our employees to make a wider usage of the most modern platforms for remote working. More recently, as the Government published further prescriptions and recommendations, CAE made the decision to partially and temporarily halt all the activities which are not strictly related to the supply of products and services to our valuable partners and customers.
Notwithstanding all these measures, we are aware that extreme natural events may happen at any time and regardless of the COViD-19 virus. For this reason, despite the partial lockdown happening in our area and the rigorous respect of all the safety rules of this period, we remain committed to make systems and products “Made in CAE” always work effectively. Key decision makers, such as our clients, always need reliable data and information to make the world a safer place.
Thanks to our staff and a reliable network of trusted suppliers, mostly highly specialized and motivated by a long-lasting relationship with CAE, manufacturing continues according to the clients’ needs and delivery schedule is mostly guaranteed. Also, we are proud to announce that the entire team dedicated to remote assistance and maintenance is 100% effective, working “ideally” shoulder to shoulder with the technical staff of our clients and all of our tireless partners around the world.
We are engaged to assist you every time you need us. If you have concerns or if you need our support, please contact us through your regular channels of communication. We will do our best to meet your needs and expectations.
This is a dynamic and rapidly changing situation and CAE will continue to monitor and adapt safety protocols based on Government recommendations.
Be well and please, stay in good health, sincerely,
Guido Bernardi
Managing Director
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