Kyrgyzstan: agrometeorological network and standard WMO formats
Let's talk about Kyrgyzstan again, after having won the project for the "Supply of hydrological monitoring networks, glaciers, roads and large cities with automatic weather stations (AWS)" of the Hydro-meteorological Agency of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzhydromet), which involved the supply of 23 stations (for the complete project click here), CAE is returning to work in Kyrgyzstan for the Kyrgyzhydromet, but this time for the agro-meteorological network.
Now let’s look at the supply of 4 CAE automatic weather stations (AWS) for the extension of the Agrometeorological Observation Network in the Batken Region. The supply is part of the project "Strengthening the climate resilience of the Batken province in the Kyrgyz Republic through the introduction of smart irrigation measures for the climate and protection from sludge flows".
In particular, the order involves:
- the supply of system components, accompanied by all the relevant documentation;
- inspections at the installation sites and implementation of the related projects;
- installation;
- transfer and integration of data into the customer's central database;
- testing and commissioning;
- warranty and technical support.
The stations, depending on the thresholds defined by the customer, work in different operating modes including "storm" which involves the sending of alert messages related to the state of the station, both in relation to weather parameters, such as wind speed, and to diagnostics. Upon the activation of an alarm scenario, the Compact line dataloggers can send messages with any technology, including through the use of the standard MeteoXML format, regulated by the WMO, to the designated FTP server.
It's a privilege to return to work in Kyrgyzstan, following the previous contract relating to the Hydro-meteorological Modernisation Project of Central Asia (for details click here) and to be part of these important international projects where technological innovation and skills lead to the creation of the highest quality, open and standard systems.