Landslide monitoring system maintenance in Lombardy
The Geological Monitoring Centre (CMG) of ARPA Lombardy in Sondrio has launched a tender, won by CAE, for the biannual maintenance of the geological monitoring network spread throughout the Lombardy Region. The implemented solutions make extensive use of wireless technology, partially installed by CAE itself during Armogeo project.
Since 2015 and through Armogeo project, the Geological Monitoring Centre (CMG) of ARPA Lombardy has been monitoring over 31 of the main landslides in Lombardy, many of which 24/7 and in real time. The basic technologies of these systems include clinometers, inclinometric chains, piezometers and many other sensors connected to automatic stations via local systems of redundant wireless knots: the now consolidated WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) technology based on W-Master and W -Point.
This extensive network, which also includes 22 automatic weather and hydrometric stations, provides ARPA and the relevant bodies with important data useful to monitor the evolution of water and hydrogeological instability phenomena, as well as to support the decision-making of the institutions responsible for the management of the civil protection alert procedures in case of landslides.
CAE will therefore carry out planned preventive maintenance and timely corrective and updating interventions, verifying the functionality of the transmission and acquisition devices, replacing or adjusting any wearing component, ensuring the correct functioning and continuity of transmission of geological monitoring data, as well as providing an annual satellite back-up of data acquired via GSM/GPRS and radio.
For a more careful monitoring of ultrasonic snow depth sensors and rain gauges, the installation of 10 additional cameras is also planned, in addition to the maintenance of the existing ones, which will be remotely controlled as usual by the CMG through the ARPA network.
Finally, in addition to the ordinary and extraordinary unlimited maintenance of the entire network, if the Region of Lombardy deems it appropriate, there will be the possibility of further implement the network with new WSN W-Master and W-Point monitoring stations with open and interoperable technologies to ensure maximum integration.
With this project, the first of its kind in Italy and in Europe, the CMG has created the largest integrated and redundant regional remote sensing network for landslide monitoring which participates in ensuring the safety of Lombard citizens, by sharing data with the competent authorities.
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