Radio: the new IoT standard protocols go beyond the limits of Modbus
June 2018
During extreme meteorological events, data availability is essential. Several episodes, even recent ones, have shown how dedicated radio networks are the most reliable technology during emergency situations.
This is why CAE has significantly invested in a new extremely advanced radio, which implements open and standard protocols. This is an innovative digital radio modem that can be used both as a terminal unit and as a repeater.
The RCS2 radio uses the UHF band and is equipped with an Ethernet and serial interface. Particularly, the use of the serial interface allows a high saving in terms of consumption, guaranteeing a safe and long-lasting use of the radio even with a solar panel power supply and buffer batteries. This is a typical case in which the company is able to assert its long-term experience in the sector, where it is necessary to know how to combine reliability, openness and speed, as well as energy saving.
The new radio carries the CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) service; unlike other protocols such as the Modbus, created in 1979, the RCS2 radio is able to manage millions of knots and to transport any sort of data (JSON, XML, binary, etc...), including image files like the .jpg format, with no need of customization. The CoAp is specifically designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) systems and it is particularly suitable for monitoring and alerting systems, as it allows to optimize consumption and performance.
From today on, it will finally be possible to create truly open monitoring and alert radio networks, which are ready to include on the market any datalogger that implements the standard protocol.