Sardinia: existing microwave backbone used to expand regional hydrometric network

The Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment of Sardinia has launched interventions for the re-engineering and strengthening of the monitoring of hydro-pluviometric parameters throughout the regional territory in order to have advanced, evolved and widespread tools, for the effective support to the forecasting, prevention and management of particularly intense weather events and with often catastrophic consequences.
CAE has been awarded the tender for the expansion of the hydrometric detection network of some watercourses in the Sardinia Region, which involves the installation of 29 new stations for hydrometric remote sensing, of which 3 in dams and 26 in the riverbed and the construction of a data transmission system up to the planned acquisition centres.
The aim of the design is the evolutionary expansion of the regional hydrometric detection system of the Sardinia Region. A very important role in this context is covered by the "Regional Radio Network" RRR, a high-speed microwave backbone, built over the years by the Forestry Corps and the Civil Protection, currently managed by the latter which will also be exploited for this project where the use of the DMR digital standard system is foreseen. The network thus designed will allow to implement all the integrations or updates that will be necessary for future needs in terms of hydro-meteorological monitoring.
CAE has already successfully implemented environmental monitoring networks for civil protection purposes based on DMR radio equipment. In this case, unlike those already described, the frequencies in the VHF band will be used. The experience gained with this technology is an important guarantee of reliability and sustainability of the project, at the end of which there are also substantial training sessions for the technical and operational staff of the client.
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