CAE in the world
This issue is dedicated to talking about the role that CAE plays at an international level. A 100% Italian company that for 45 years has invested in innovation to create a safer world, always focusing on quality, an essential element to provide robust and reliable systems, able to cope with extreme events guaranteeing percentages of data even in emergencies greater than 99%.
CAE has also been working abroad for years, offering both turnkey systems and product supplies, all designed to meet the needs of opening and interoperability. There are 27 countries that have chosen CAE technology and in the last 3 years more than 600 stations have been sold abroad. The main area remains hydrometeorological monitoring, but agrometeorological systems for the monitoring of landslides, water quality, dams, solar parks or those for the breeding of mussels at sea, etc. will also definitely be discussed.
For years, CAE has been working successfully in Vietnam, its second market, where to date it has installed a total of 345 automatic monitoring stations and numerous updates are underway with the latest technological innovations. Also with regard to systems, a number of important projects carried out concern the hydrometeorological networks of: Serbia, with approximately 90 stations, the Maldives, 30, and South America, 32 stations.
Instead with regard to product supply, there are many countries that have decided to focus on the quality of CAE products and solutions. Thanks to a dense network of international partners, CAE is able to guarantee customer satisfaction, whether it’s small supplies, such as those in Sierra Leone and Mozambique related to the production of solar energy and the agrometeorological world, or large numbers such as the 244 stations in Pakistan (to find out more click here).
The agrometeo theme that is evident from the case in Sierra Leone - explored in the CAE Magazine no. 24 (for details click here) - also returns talking about Kyrgyzstan, where innovation goes beyond the standard formats regulated by the WMO. After the first 23 automatic weather stations (AWS), another 4 were installed for the Hydrometeorological Agency (Kyrgyzhydromet) for the extension of the Agrometeorological Observation Network in the Batken Region.
We conclude by underlining the importance of knowing how to work to ensure the correct functioning of the products even at sites subjected to extreme weather conditions, at high altitudes, with very cold or instead very high temperatures, at sites often impervious and logistically complex to reach such as peaks, viaducts, offshore platforms, landslide slopes etc. In this regard it is necessary to mention Tajikistan with the early warning system for Lake Sarez, at 3260 m above sea level, reachable only by helicopter and at certain times of the year (to learn more click here) and of course the installations on K2, the wild mountain, at almost 5,000 m above sea level, which we will definitely be talking about in this issue.
Enjoy the read!
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