Africa: the quality of "Made in Italy" for the energy and agrometeorological world
Today the issue of energy is hotter than ever, the quality of solar radiation data is fundamental in the field of energy and errors of a few percentage points can have a significant impact on the return on investment.
Africa, with its temperatures and its particular geographical location, is one of the most suitable continents for the production of solar energy and it is precisely for this reason that it is equipped with several photovoltaic systems, including that of Balama, in Mozambique, which will soon be equipped with 2 CAE automatic weather stations (AWS) , chosen by one of our local partners to be able to guarantee a very high quality of the data.
The stations provided by CAE will include instruments for the measurement of solar radiation and will be useful for monitoring the quality of production, to monitor the efficiency of the systems installed and to predict what the energy supplies by the system may be in the context of different weather conditions and therefore sky cover.
The one in Mozambique is not the only recent African supply, in fact an agrometeorological station and a PG4i, the innovative CAEtech stand-alone rain gauge, have recently been successfully installed in Sierra Leone. A product that lends itself well to providing quality precipitation data, with a limited investment. CAE technology was chosen by WAGTECH to participate in a project funded by Action Against Hunger, an association whose main objective is to create a better way of tackling hunger, so they are constantly seeking more effective solutions for a change in the long term.
The supply is part of a food safety programme and addresses the root causes of hunger starting from the problems of production, access and income and is part of a wide range of activities aimed at supporting and strengthening agricultural production and at improving access to sustainable food sources. The data provided will therefore be useful for the development of local agriculture and in a country where 63% of people experience food problems, this can only be an important step forward.
As an African saying goes: if you want to go fast run alone, if you want to go far run together with someone else. CAE will continue to work alongside those like us who believe in the importance of quality, to reach every part of the world or in this case Africa.