• News

July 2019

Green light to the implementation of the new Hydrological and UHF Communication Network in Serbia

July 2019

In 2014, Serbia suffered a massive flood (please find a video of the affected territories at this link), which led to the implementation of the Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program aimed at increasing resilience and preparation to floods. A critical part of this program is the strengthening of the remote hydrometric network supplied to the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS). In July 2019, CAE won the tender for the implementation of the new system based on redundant (mobile and UHF) communication technology.

Compact: a new range of CAEtech dataloggers is born

July 2019

A new range of CAEtech dataloggers is born, the most powerful and "open" CAEtech solution ever: the Compact line. This is a modular and scalable solution, both from the hardware and software points of view, and as far as installation and data managing are concerned. For this reason, this product is designed to meet the needs of different types of users.

The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, visiting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

July 2019

On June 5th and 6th, about a month after the visit by Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte went on an official visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. There, alongside other Italian excellencies, he was able to know and appreciate CAE’s meteorological monitoring station exposed at Casa Italia in Hanoi.